Does AI creates Problems?

3 min readMay 25, 2021

What if one day suddenly your voice control system like Alexa start scolding you, start revealing your secrets out to your friends and family, you see lots of negative posts on social media by several bots, your smart devices don’t recognize you, your smart car won’t start and your smart home stay locked. Well if you don’t have to suffer with this kinds of problems but there are people who had suffered in past and is suffering in present. Today the whole world is running over the algorithms. These algorithms may consists lots of bugs and errors and which may cause troubles to many.

We have introduced AI to almost every fields and every things. From our cars, houses, smartphones, watches almost everything is smart. Being smart means there are some sorts of artificial intelligence in it which runs over the scripts called algorithms. These algorithms are generated by humans and they have some limited scripts and pattern known to it. The world is so confusing and there are lots of things happening in the world all the time. All this confusion and problems may not be known to the algorithms or AI all the time. Algorithms should be continuously developing and updated to the changes that was not recognized or known before. AI is often known for creating bias and discrimination in terms of gender, race and ethnicity. Microsoft has once introduced a bot in Twitter called TayTweets which was an AI bot that tweets itself and with more interactions with human it will learn and write a tweet itself. TayTweets was a hit initially but with more human interaction it started tweeting against humanity and was tweeting a very critical issue that we basically creating bias in the society. Similarly, facial recognition system is also very popular for creating bias.

Joybuolamwini in her one of the TEDX talk has presented several issues where facial recognition were failed to introduce black Americans, which is a very critical issue of Algorithm bias. Algorithmic bias and problems can be very dangerous and harmful to innocent people as well. Cathy O’Neil in one of her Ted talk has presented how the school teacher were reviewed by the algorithm and how the good teachers were fired too. She has presented information on how false reviews and rating were given to the teachers and how the good and admired teachers also had to suffer. The AI or the algorithm wasn’t able to distinguish between good and bad teachers and the ratings were simply random generated number and which made many of the good teachers to suffer and they had to loose the job as well. Situations like this are very bad and should be fixed and solved as soon as possible.

Algorithm bias and problems with AI are very dangerous. It creates discriminations in society and it creates problems to the innocents and they had to suffer. Such algorithms that creates bias and such problem generating algorithms should be fixed as soon as possible. People and company shouldn’t focus on developing a product first and launching it soon rather they should be focusing on develop a genuine fair algorithms and which will be beneficial to mankind. Companies shouldn’t have hurried on developing new facial recognition system in their product and launching soon for their benefits and recognition rather they should have focused on developing facial recognition systems that would recognize patterns and face every individual. We should not fully rely on algorithm that aren’t safe for all. To make an algorithm safe and to have safer AI system there should be strict laws that require strict testing and development before launching to the the public.

